Tournament Rules
● Safety for our participants is of utmost importance! Captains accept full responsibility for their boat’s safety, their boat’s passengers, and their boat’s operation. They shall make certain that their boat is equipped with all necessary safety equipment required by law, as members of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries will be on duty.
● Should a NOAA small craft advisory exist for the Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point, which in essence includes the tournament area, as of 7:00 a.m. the day of the tournament, the tournament may be canceled. If a small craft advisory does exist, tournament officials will discuss the weather conditions, reach a consensus, then make the announcement on VHF channel 72 before 7:00 a.m. on November 23. In the event that weather prevents fishing on the day of the tournament, the tournament committee shall hold a drawing to award first through third place prizes. Entrants need not be present to win.
● Tournament will begin at 7:00 a.m. *No lines in the water before 7:00am.
●No one will be allowed to enter Tournament after 9:00 a.m. the day of the Tournament.
● Fishing will be allowed between the bridges at Tappahannock and White Stone.
● Only Rockfish will qualify for prizes.
● Only one prize will be awarded per boat.
● All fish must be caught on hook & line. Fish must be hooked and played by a single angler who does not receive undue assistance from anyone (no assistance reeling in the fish). Hand lining between the terminal end snap/snap swivel and the fish for the purpose of netting is permissible. Gaffing rockfish is illegal in Virginia, and therefore is prohibited. Any fish showing fresh marks other than those made by landing nets or hooks may be disqualified. Failure to maintain a contestant’s fish in ice and in good condition may result in disqualification.
● Any boats and participants passing or receiving fish to or from another boat will be disqualified, as this is prohibited by Virginia State law. This includes boats that may become disabled during the tournament. During the Tournament, no anglers, fish, or tackle may be transferred among boats. In case of unusual circumstances, radio Tournament Headquarters or call 804-445-3080.
● It is recommended that all boats be equipped with a functioning VHF radio to reach Tournament Headquarters and to monitor any announcements by tournament staff.
● Tournament officials will be monitoring VHF channel 72 and will be available at 804-445-3080. Tournament Headquarters will periodically provide weights of fish that have been weighed in.
● The Tournament Committee reserves the right to inspect any and all boats entered in the Tournament.
● All entry forms must be signed by the vessel captain, or a designated responsible person, who is at least 18 years of age, and this person must be aboard the vessel on Tournament day. All participants must adhere to these Tournament Rules, as well as those of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission Virginia Saltwater Fishing Tournament and Saltwater Fishing Regulations.
● All boats must display number ID card on boat windshield and ribbon on the highest point on boat at all times. (Both are found in Captain’s packet). Numbered ID card must be turned in with fish to be weighed.
● All fish must be transported by boat to Garrett’s Marina and available for weighing by 4:30pm the day of the tournament. No exceptions.
● State certified scales will be supplied by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Two Fish Weigh-In
● Two fish per boat may be weighed-in. Winning fish will be determined by the combined weight of the two fish OR the weight of a single fish. In the case of a tie in weight, the total length (measured from the nose to tip of tail, combined length for two fish) will serve as the tiebreaker. If still tied, the time of weigh-in will determine the winner.
● If weighing-in two fish, boats must present both fish for weigh-in together. The two fish presented must have been caught on the same boat. Each boat may weigh in a maximum of two fish. Junior Angler participants are allowed one fish for weigh-in.
● The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources states the minimum size rockfish in 2024 is 19 inches and a maximum of 24 inches. Participants should review the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources regulations to ensure compliance.
● All fish must be transported by boat to Garrett’s Marina and available for weighing by 4:30 p.m. the day of the tournament. No exceptions. Weigh-in may begin after 3:00 p.m.
● The Weighmaster and/or Tournament Chairman may have a marine biologist on hand for any assistance required. Fish may be scanned with a metal detector. Winners may be required to pass a polygraph (lie detector) examination, which would include the angler and a witness. This test may be done any time after the tournament. Other tests to confirm that fish have been freshly caught may be administered.
● All prizes will be paid to the individual who signed the entry form, regardless of which participant actually caught the fish. To avoid misunderstandings, the Tournament Committee urges all parties to develop their own arrangement for the distribution of prizes among captain and crew. The Tournament Committee is obligated to award prizes to the individual who signed the Tournament entry form. If a polygraph examination is required, prize monies will not be distributed until the exam is completed.
● After submitting and weighing fish in the Tournament, boats cannot go back out and catch additional fish for Tournament consideration.
● Rockfish that have placed (1st, 2nd, 3rd) must stay on the premises of Garrett’s Marina until prizes are awarded. Fish brought in for weighing will remain the property of the angler, and may be removed after all prizes have been awarded.
● Aylett Country Day School Board members are ineligible to compete.
● Tournament Rules Committee decisions shall be final.
● Violation of any of the above rules will constitute grounds for disqualification.
● Captain’s packets (including required ID number card and ribbon) will NOT be mailed to captains after November 15, 2024. They may be picked up at Aylett Country Day School until 3:00 p.m. on November 22. Otherwise, they must be picked up at Garrett’s Marina the morning of November 23.
● Participants in Kindergarten to 8th grade
● Junior Angler participants need to be noted on the registration form in advance.
● Participants must be accompanied by a parent or adult with written parental permission and be on a registered boat participating in the ACDS Rockfish Tournament
● Winning fish will be determined first by weight, then by length (nose to tip of tail) and then by weigh-in time, in that order.
● Fish submitted and weighed in the Junior Division are not eligible for additional prizes in the Tournament.
● Only one fish per registrant may be submitted
● First prize in the Junior Division is $250.
● All applicable Tournament rules apply to the Junior Angler Division